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1970 - The Swiss Tropical Institute in Basle presents scenes from its activities

1966 - “Course for Students of the Dar-es-Salaam Medical School at the Rural Centre Ifakara, Tanzania 1966”

Tropical Medicine (1970)


1961–1962: Extracts of “Venomous animals of East Africa”

1970 - Extracts of ‘Protected nature on Cousin Island, Seychellen’ (1975)

1952/1955 - Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en Côte d’Ivoire

1949 - Trypanosomiasen-Forschung in Tanganyika (1949)

1973 - Inauguration of the Medical Assistants Training Centre in Ifakara by Julius Nyerere, 18th October 1973

1961 - “Rural Medical Aid Course 1961”, Rural Aid Centre, Ifakara, Tanganyika.

1959 - Swiss Tropical Institute Field Laboratory in Ifakara

1949 - “Mbunga. Ostafrika, Süd-Tanganyika. Riten bei der Mädchen-Initiation”

1954 - Tanganyika Expedition

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